The Rising Influence of Asian American Voters

In arguably one of the most turbulent political times in America, Asian Americans have emerged as a coveted voting bloc in this year’s election. Both the Democratic and Republican parties are recognizing the power of Asian American voters to influence not only the presidency but also other competitive races across the country. This shift is a testament to the growing political engagement and representation of Asian Americans, who are not the silent minority they were too often perceived to be.

Asian voters are more engaged than ever

According to NBC, Asian American voter turnout saw a significant spike in the 2020 elections, playing a crucial role in President Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory. That same year in Georgia, Asian American turnout jumped by an astounding 84% compared to the previous presidential election. This surge in participation highlights the increasing political motivation within the Asian American community and their potential to sway election outcomes.

Just two years later, the 2022 Georgia Senate race further demonstrated the impact of Asian American voters. In a highly contested, greatly publicized race, incumbent Senator Raphael Warnock faced a very popular candidate in former football player Herschel Walker. Understanding the significance of the Asian American vote, Warnock’s campaign produced ads in Mandarin, Korean, and Vietnamese to engage his Asian constituents. This targeted outreach resulted in Warnock carrying 78% of the Asian American vote in the runoff, securing his victory.

Asian representation in Congress is growing

Not only are Asian Americans proving to be valuable voters, they are also increasing their political participation through strengthened presence in Congress. Over the past decade, the number of Asian members in Congress has increased by 70%. Asian American legislators are bringing diverse perspectives and championing issues that resonate not only with their communities, but also for the greater good of the country.

A great example of this increased representation and engagement is Congressman Andy Kim from New Jersey. Known for his dedication and earnestness, Kim made headlines when he was photographed cleaning up the Capitol rotunda after the January 6th insurrection in 2021. His actions symbolized a commitment to service and responsibility, earning him widespread respect. Andy Kim is now running for Senate in New Jersey. His candidacy brings the conversation back to critical policy issues, the role of public service and government, and the accountability of our politicians rather than mere political rhetoric.

And he is not alone. Other notable Asian American members of Congress include Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, who has been a strong advocate for veterans and disability rights, and Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal of Washington, who has championed causes such as healthcare reform and immigration. Their contributions underscore the growing impact of Asian American legislators in shaping national policy and discourse.

Asian Americans may feel small in number, but their impact is undeniable

It’s clear that the increasing political power of Asian Americans – from representation in the halls of Congress to driving pivotal election outcomes – simply cannot be overlooked. The 2022 Georgia senate race truly underscored the difference that a seemingly small segment of the population – Asian Americans comprise just 4.4% of Georgia – can make when effectively mobilized. It proved the importance of inclusive and targeted campaigns that acknowledge the diverse makeup of this country. Winning Asian American communities is a critical mission not only for political parties but for any organization or corporation looking for success in multicultural America today.

We are committed to helping more organizations recognize the power of Asian Americans, the fastest growing population in America.