California Tobacco Prevention Program
Fantasyland – California Tobacco Prevention Program
Exposing the tobacco industry’s dangerous fantasy

Left: Vapes may lead to various types of cancer and lung cancer is only one of them.
Middle: In the Fantasyland of the Tobacco Industry, (they) claim that vaping is safe. But research shows it is not.
Right: In the Fantasyland of the Tobacco Industry, (they) claim to reduce the harm of smoking. However, there is a high number of vape shops near schools.

The tobacco industry creates a Super Fantastic World – (They) claim vaping is safer, but research shows it is not.

Left: Vapes may lead to various types of cancer. Lung cancer is only one of them.
Middle: The tobacco industry creates a Tobacco Paradise. They claim vaping is “safer”, but research shows it is not.
Right: The tobacco industry creates a Tobacco Paradise. They claim to fight smoking harm, yet there is a high number of vape shops near schools.

The tobacco industry creates a Super Fantastic World – (They) claim to fight the harm of smoking, yet there is a high number of vape shops near schools.